DAA Midterm Exam
The Midterm Exam for Design and Analysis of Algorithms直接一套连招被送走,我真的是命苦
Boys | |||||
b1 | g4 | g3 | g1 | g5 | |
b2 | g2 | g1 | g5 | g4 | |
b3 | g5 | g4 | |||
b4 | g3 | g5 | g1 | g2 | |
b5 | g1 | g5 |
Girl | |||||
g1 | b2 | b5 | b1 | b3 | b4 |
g2 | b2 | b3 | b1 | b4 | b5 |
g3 | b4 | b2 | b5 | b1 | b3 |
g4 | b3 | b1 | b5 | b2 | b4 |
g5 | b5 | b3 | b4 | b1 | b2 |
Day | g1 | g2 | g3 | g4 | g5 |
1 | - | b2 | b4 | - | |
2 | - | b3 | b2 | - | |
3 | - | b3 | b1 | - | |
4 | b5 | b4 | b1 | - | |
5 | b5, |
b2 | b4 | b1 | - |
6,7 | b5 | b2 | b4 | b1 | b3 |
(g1, b5), (g2, b2), (g3, b4), (g4, b1), (g5, b3)
Stable Marriage
If it is true, give a short explanation. Otherwise, give a counterexample.
In every instance of the Stable Marriage Problem, there is a suitable matching containing a pair $(b, g)$ such that $b$ is ranked first on the preference list of $g$ and $g$ is ranked first on the preference list of $b$.
False, consider the following case:
Boys | ||
b1 | g1 | g2 |
b2 | g1 | g2 |
Girl | ||
g1 | b2 | b1 |
g2 | b1 | b2 |
(b1, g2), (b2, g1) is the only stable matching.
b2 and g1 are both first on each other’s preference list.
But we cannot find a pair where b1 and b2 are each other’s first preference.
So it’s not true for every instance.
Consider an instance of the Stable Marriage Problem in which there exists a boy $b$ and a girl $g$ such that $b$ is ranked first on the preference list of $g$ and $g$ is ranked first on the preference list of $b$. Then every stable marriage $M$ for this instance, the pair $(b, g)$ belongs to $M$.
True. If $b$ and $g$ rank each other first, then any pairing where they are not matched would be unstable. Because if either $b$ or $g$ where matched with someone else, they would both prefer to be matched with each other, leading to an unstable pairing. So, in any stable pairing $M$, $b$ and $g$ must be matched.
Master Method
$T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n$
$a = 4, b = 2, f(n) = n, n^{\log_{b} a} = n^2$
$T(n) = 6T(n/3) + n^2$
$a = 6, b = 3, f(n) = n^2, n^{\log_{b} a} = n^{\log_{3} 6} \approx n^{1.63} < n^2$
$af(n/b) = 6(n/3)^2 = \frac{2}{3}n^2$
$c = \frac{2}{3} < 1$
$T(n) = n^2$
$T(n) = 8T(n/2) + n^3$
$a = 8, b = 2, f(n) = n^3, n^{\log_{b} a} = n^3 = f(n)$
$T(n) = n^3 \log n$
Significant Inversion
Recall the problem of finding the number of inversions: we are given a sequence of n numbers $a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n$, which we assume are all distinct, and we define an inversion to be a pair $i < j$ such that $a_i > a_j$. We motivated the problem of counting inversions as a good measure of how different two orderings are. However, one might feel that this measure is too sensitive. Let’s call a pair a significant inversion if $i < j$ and $a_i > 2a_j$. Give an $O(n \log n)$ divide and conquer algorithm to count the number of significant inversions in a sequence of n pairwise distinct numbers $a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n$.
1 | function mergeAndCount(left: number[], right: number[]): [number[], number] { |
Largest Contiguous Sum
Give a $O(n \log n)$ time divide and conquer algorithm to find a contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array $A[1 : n]$ of real numbers which has the largest sum, i.e., find indices $1 \leq i \leq j \leq n$ such that
$$ A[i] + A[i+1] + \cdots + A[j] $$
is as large as possible.
1 | function findMaxCrossingSubarray( |
DAA Midterm Exam